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New Hope Int'l Ministries

(NHIM Worship Center)


NHIM Worship Center ("NHIM") is a worship center church led by Apostle Charles & Prophetess Marilyn Turner who are Co-Founders of NHIM. The ministry started first in Pembroke Pines, Florida in 2012 in a small building beautifully located on the lake, and then nine months later moved to Cooper City, Florida in 2013, experiencing considerable growth in the ministry in 2018, NHIM is now holding services in Miramar at our NEW worship location. NHIM is a mult-cultural trend setting ministry and is known for its unique form of praise and worship by which the precious Messiah has frequently been visible to many during the worship portion of the church services.  The presence of God is tenderly experienced in many cases with miracles, signs and wonders, sometimes also manifesting heavenly "gold dust" upon the people during worship and bible study services! This is a ministry that truly labors in the Shekhinah Glory of the Lord.


NHIM has become a hangout spot of youth and young adults due to the fresh and contemporary approach to the Gospel of keeping it real and relative in today's society!  As Apostle Turner often says; "keepin it 100 for the Lord"!  NHIM is also unique in that it frequently unlocks some of the controversy of sensitive sin topics in today's Body of Christ.  The church is designed by God for the sole purpose of furthering His Kingdom agenda in these latter days with an emphasis for all believers to know God intimately for themselves and not vicariously through preachers or church leaders.  NHIM is not a "black church", it is a church where all are accepted, regardless of race, skin color or gender, and therefore does not adhere to the transgression of segregation, which denies the Gospel.


We spread the Love of God in all of its fullness and power including giving to the poor, the widow and the orphans, so that the rule of God is planted in the hearts of Men and Women.  NHIM is a church on the move for God and is dynamic in its form of ministry impacting the community, the nation and the world with a “Now” word from God. Come join us for worship and experience the "New Wine".




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