New Hope Int'l Minitries
(NHIM Worship Center)
A Two (2) NIGHT "Prophetic Deliverance Revival" !
- Do you have problems sleeping???,
- Is your health in need of Healing???,
- Do you battle with "unusual disparities that no one can
- Do you have difficulty with focusing on work or business tasks???
- Does everything you do or get involved with come to Loss
-or- failure!?
- Do you feel like you're under a curse!?
Then you need to come to this Supernatural Deliverance Revival.. !!!
There will be Worship, Song & Dance, Praise and most
importantly MINISTRY AT THE ALTAR !!!
Set your Calendar NOW for this Friday and Saturday
{August 31st & September 1st }!
Revival Services will be held at: Word of Truth Worship Center
1755 NW 78th Street
Miami, Florida
It's on this Friday....
Come and be blessed above and beyond your expectation....
Bring the sick, bring the bound, bring the Un-Saved, bring the back slider! Miracles of the Lord Jesus (with the FIRE of GOD) will fall upon the people at this Event...!🔥🔥🔥
Deliverance will be in the Lord's house for Two solid nights! Come and experience the Glory saturation of GOD for Miracles In Your LIFE!🔥
This REVIVAL is a "Fund Raiser" for our Church:
Make a Donation to our Building Fund below....
Step 1: Click on Donate Now ( Below)
Step 2: Enter DONATION amount
Step 3: Type in the note section "Building Fund"
Step 4: Fill in your information
Step 5: Click Donate Now
Please Donate

For More Info
(954) 906 - 2078

Come experience the Glory Healing Wonders of GOD....
Tell your friends and neighbors
“The Power of GOD” will be in the FULLNESS
of HIS presence with Fire of the HOLY Ghost!
Come and experience devine
"Healing" * "Deliverance" * "Spiritual Breakthroughs"
Mark your calendars NOW and plan to be at
this HOLY GHOST Revival.....
You will NOT regret being in this atmosphere of the Divine presence of GOD:
You Life will never be the same!
Fresh Wind, Fresh Anointing, Fresh "FIRE"
* Prophetess Marilyn is a highly anointed Woman of GOD, her Prophesies have changed lives
around the world through her "Live broadcasts", Ministry speaking engagements, and her books as an Author!
She moves under a powerful anointing from GOD! She is gifted in breaking demonic strongholds! When she is preaching, healings and Deliverance from the Holy Spirit come forth. Come hear a mighty Prophetic Word for your life from the Lord! She is currently serving as First Lady/co-Pastor @ NHIM Worship Center.
Facebook @ PropehtessMarilynTurner * YouTube @ Marilyn Turner
Instagram @ with_Marilyn
*Apostle Charles is a duly appointed Apostle of the LORD. Called by the LORD Jesus himself from the
very voice of GOD! Apostle Charles heard the Voice of the Lord when he was 19 years young and was
commanded by Jesus to serve him! Since then the Lord Jesus has appeared to him in Fastings & deep
prayer intercessions. Come experience true divine Miracles and glory Revelations from his Preaching and
Teaching. Prepare yourself to experience a powerful atmosphere of GOD's presence for Deliverance from this
dynamic Minister! He is currently serving as Sr. Pastor @ NHIM Worship Center
Facebook @ Apostle Charles Turner III
Instagram @ apostlecharlesturneriii
Periscope @ Apostle_CT3